
Manuscripts Under Review

Wilhelm, Alexa, I. S. Leslie, and Bruce A.B. Connecting New England farmers to large retailers via Values-Based Food Supply Chains.

Refereed journal Articles

Bruce A.B., E. Neidecker, C. Zheng, I. S. Leslie. “A Farm is viable if it can keep its head above water”: Defining and measuring farm viability for small and mid-sized farms. Accepted. Agriculture and Human Values, Special Issue on the Farm Households social and economic needs.  

Leslie, I. S., Wilhelm, A., and Bruce A.B. Infrastructure on the family farm: Building for viability, transition, and justice. 2024. Agriculture and  Human Values, Special Issue on the Family Farm.

E.M. Enzien, P.S. Erickson, A.B. Bruce, C. W. Knight, and A.B. Conroy. (2024). Assessing Beef Producers’ Interest in Cooperative Business Models In New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. Applied Animal Science.

—Editor’s Choice Award!

Zebrowski, W. B.A., Farmer, J., Bruce, A.B., Giroux, S., Dickinson S., Chen, X., O’Donnell, M., and Benjamin, T. (2023). Use of narratives to communicate organics with commodity grain farmers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.

Leslie, I. S., Carson, J., and Bruce A.B. (2022). LGBTQ+ Food Insufficiency in New England. Agriculture and Human Values. 10403-5

Bruce, A.B., Farmer, J., Giroux S., Dickinson S., Chen, X., O’Donnell M., and T. Benjamin. (2022). Opportunities and barriers to certified organic grain production on rented farmland in the US. Land Use Policy. Vol. 122, 106346

Bruce, A.B., Y. Borlu, and Glenna, L.L. 2022. Assessing the scientific support for U.S. EPA pesticide regulatory policy governing active and inert ingredients. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 0 07884

Bruce, A.B., L.T. Maynard, J.C.D. Valliant, and J.R. Farmer. 2021. Farm type and high tunnel management: Connections between farm characteristics and high tunnel outcomes in Indiana. HortTechnology.

Valliant, J.D., A.B. Bruce, M.K. Houser, S.L. Dickinson and J.R. Farmer. 2021. Product Diversification, Adaptive Management, and Climate Change: Farming and Family in the U.S. Corn Belt. Frontiers in Climate.

Glenna, L.L. and A.B. Bruce. 2021. Suborning science for profit: Monsanto, Glyphosate, and private science research misconduct, Research Policy 50: 7.

Yoder, L., M. Houser, A. Bruce, A. Sullivan, and J. Farmer. 2021. Are climate risks encouraging cover crop adoption among farmers in the southern Wabash River Basin? Land Use Policy 102 (105268).

Bruce, A.B. 2019. Farm entry and persistence: three pathways into alternative agriculture in southern Ohio. Journal of Rural Studies 69: 30–40.

Bruce, A.B., Farmer, J.R., L.E. Maynard, and J.D. Valliant. 2019. Using high tunnels to extend the growing season and improve crop quality and yield: assessing outcomes for organic and conventional growers in the U.S. Midwest. International Journal of Agricultural Management 8(2): 45-55.

Bruce, A.B., L.T. Maynard, J.R. Farmer. 2019. Farmer Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities with Using High Tunnels for Specialty Crops. HortTechnology.

Shwom, R.L. and A.B. Bruce. 2018. Theorizing Cross-Sectoral Entrepreneurship to Advance Climate Governance: Tactics of U.S. Energy Efficiency NonGovernmental Organizations. Regional Environmental Change. 18(5):1309-1321.

Bruce, A.B., J.R. Farmer, L.E. Maynard and J.D. Valliant. 2017. Assessing the Impact of the EQIP High Tunnel Initiative. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 7(3): 159–180.

Farmer, J.R., J.D. Valliant, S.L. Dickinson, A.B. Bruce, and J.M. Robinson. 2017. Family as a catalyst in farms’ diversifying agricultural products: A mixed methods analysis of diversified and non-diversified farms in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Journal of Rural Studies. 55C: 303-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.08.017

Bruce, A.B. and R.L. Som Castellano. 2017. Labor and alternative food networks: challenges for farmers and consumers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems pp. 1–14. DOI: 10.1017/S174217051600034X

Bruce, A.B. 2016. Frankenfish or Fish to Feed the World? Scientism and Biotechnology Regulatory Policy. Rural Sociology DOI:10.1111/ruso.12146

Bruce, A.B. 2016. The Legacy of Agrarian Reform in Latin America: Foundations of the Fair Trade Cooperative System, Geography Compass, 10: 485–498. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12298.

Bruce, A.B. and R. L. Shwom. 2015. Friend or Foe? Why U.S. Energy Efficiency Nonprofits Collaborate with Business and Government. Environmental Sociology 1 (1): 48-58. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2014.993796